Trials and tales of a not-so-advanced gardener--both in the dirt and beyond.

Monday, March 30, 2009

My brand new vegetable garden bed

Thanks to Mr. Nolen's comment to my previous post about Vegetable Garden plans for 2009, I've come to learn of Square Foot Gardening.

Thus it has come to be in my backyard.

First I measured and dug out a 4X8 section. Then lined it with concrete pavers (I chose these because they will last longer than wood, but were cheaper than composite wood-like material).

"Mel's Mix" from Square Foot Gardening consists of 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 vermiculite and 1/3 various composts. I found all of these ingredients at a local garden center.

Then once it was well mixed, we hoisted it into the freshly dug bed. Four inches in the ground and four above.
One down, one to go.

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