Trials and tales of a not-so-advanced gardener--both in the dirt and beyond.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

March Bloom Day 2009

Today was beautiful and my crocuses thought so, too. So much that they decided to bloom today!

While picking up a couple of items to finish the compost bin (future post about that coming soon!), I noticed that my local Ace hardware had pansies. I picked up a couple of pots and was on my way.
It was a big day of working in the yard: raking and mulching the back flower bed, raking and seeding the front side yard, and working on the new compost bin.

I love spring.


Rose said...

This weekend has been a beautiful one here in Illinois for getting out in the garden. I imagine you have had much the same in Indiana. My muscles still ache from the last few days:)
I'd love to see your new compost bin; I'm looking for a cheap way to build one!

Rose said...

By the way, I was belatedly going through some bloom day posts, and your title caught my eye. I can totally relate:)