Trials and tales of a not-so-advanced gardener--both in the dirt and beyond.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Oh where oh where are my true leaves?

It has been several weeks now since my seeds have germinated and I am anxiously awaiting some true leaves to appear. The magic happened--but now I feel like we're in a stand still.

The squash and zucchini are getting some (but they are getting too big for the peat pots). I did notice that the cilantro is getting it's first real leaves, too.

I just read on that I need to remove the plastic domes to allow for better air flow. Done.

Now to learn about when to thin back and harden off.

Oh and the black-eyed susan still hasn't germinated. It says it could take up to 30 days to do so, so we've got another week or so until they should appear. I might have put too much soil on them to germinate, since they require light.


MARYYX said...

Good luck with your seedlings! I have purchased so many seeds - and then I see the seedlings at the nursery and go ahead and purchase them.

Last year I tried to start several flats from seed - but didn't slow down long enough to really pay attention, and they didn't do very well.

Anthony said...

You're supposed to wait for the first true leaves to fertilize but sometimes I cheat and do it early. Just a splash of organic seaweed fertilizer usually does the trick.

And good luck with the Black Eyed Susans! I haven't had much luck with them in the past but will be trying once again this year.

Carol Michel said...

How wonderful to find another Indiana gardener who is blogging about it!

Your seedlings will grow faster than you'd like, in time, and just be begging to go outside, even before the danger of frost is past.

Carol, May Dreams Gardens