Trials and tales of a not-so-advanced gardener--both in the dirt and beyond.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Finishing projects... and a new tool for the garden

With all of the beautiful weather, I've been able finally work on some projects that have been building up for some time...

The raised beds are complete. We mixed a final batch of compost/vermiculite/peat moss over the weekend. Peppers and tomatoes (I'm really no good at growing these from seed, I've decided) were purchased from a local garden center, Habig Garden Center (oh, how I love Habig's). The majority of things were also planted on Sunday -- bush beans, cucumbers, various lettuces and spinach, basil, oregano, carrots and more. We got a late start to a few things (lettuce and carrots, but we should get at least a salad or so). The carrots I ordered were order specifically because they can be planted a bit later. Mel's Mix (from Square Foot Gardening) is terribly expensive to create. I better get the best produce ever to compensate for all of the money spent on this stuff...
More detail to come on the varieties of peppers and tom-toms...

The rain barrel is almost done! It's primed--all I need to do it pant it. Right now it's that electric blue, which doesn't exactly complement the brick facade. I bought the special plastic paint in "cocoa bean" and, after two coats, this puppy will be ready to go. Must finish it before the big rain tomorrow!
A future "how-to" post on this one to come as well...

And finally, because sometimes I feel like a old lady, and because I am really in the weeds (they are everywhere!), I bought myself a Vertex GARDEN ROCKER!! This small contraption is built of magic--it works so well for weeding an area and not feeling like your back/knees/legs are going to aching the next day. I picked mine up a Meijer near my Mom's house for only $20. After using it only once, I can tell you that it is worth it's weight in gold to me!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I RIDE my recumbent bike on the Monon!
I RIDE my recumbent bike on the Monon!