Trials and tales of a not-so-advanced gardener--both in the dirt and beyond.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Spring work continues

The second garden bed was dug yesterday and I'm hoping it will be complete by the end of the weekend. 2 beds that are 8' x 4' -- according to SFQ that should be plenty of space for everything we're going to plant.

I started some petunia and marigold seeds on Sunday as well. Basil and some others will be started in a week or so.

The tree people removed all most ALL of the brush! There are some larger logs and a small pile of sticks left. But for the most part, all of the stuff is gone! Persistence paid off for sure.

1 comment:

Jon said...

if you are going to plant viney things (zucchini, cucumbers) you should put up a trellis on the north ends of your beds.... if you are going to plant peas and beans get pole beans and plant (just for shits and giggles) corn for them to climb. you just put 1 corn seed and then the pea or pole bean seed right next to it.