Trials and tales of a not-so-advanced gardener--both in the dirt and beyond.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bloom Day December 2008

Oh the weather outside is frightful, and nothing is growing in my garden. Inside, it's another story. I have houseplants galore--many of which are passalong plants or ones I've seen at the store and thought were interesting.

Surprisingly, many are blooming right now, which makes for a great bloom day post (the indoor edition).

This little gal is in my bedroom and it matches perfectly. The little white with pink stripe flower just appeared this week.

This is a passalong plant; I have no idea what it is. I gave some starts to my mom. Her plant is probably 4 foot in diameter. It develops these pods of tiny white flowers.

This is a bloom on a spider plant that I started from a co-workers plant.

This is the end of a Wandering Jew (I don't know the technical term). I bought a huge hanging plant of this from a gal at the Broad Ripple Farmer's Market this summer. It stayed under my sugar gum tree until fall and was then divided into 3 plants for me and 2 for my mom.

Finally, this Gerber Daisy was a hostess gift from Ginger that I received today. I hosted a new tradition in my new house: a holiday baking day (girl's only)!


Carol Michel said...

My garden is the same... no blooms outside, but I do have blooms inside. Suprisingly, I have different blooms than yours.

Thanks for joining in for bloom day.

Carol, May Dreams Gardens

Anonymous said...

It's nice to have blooms inside where you can enjoy them while the garden is sleeping.

Horselip's Horse Sense said...

Great post. It's nice to have blooms inside when the blooms outside have gone.

Unknown said...

Once that wondering jew gets a taste of dirt, you will have it everywhere! I still have some Gerbera's trying to bloom too.

Corner Gardener Sue said...

Your plants are looking nice and healthy. My spider plants are not blooming right now, and have some brown leaves that need taking off.

KayGee said...

Carol -- I never expected this many blooms in Dec, that is for sure!

perennialgardener -- my garden is hibernating...not just sleeping :)

Darla -- those were repotted with barely the tips peaking out in early November; I can't believe how quickly they are growing!

Sue -- that spider plant just had a good trimming; I left it outside for too long this summer and it lost it's beauty. Now it's been repotted and is becoming vibrant again.