Trials and tales of a not-so-advanced gardener--both in the dirt and beyond.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Bloom Day and I'm back!

Lots of things happening in the weeds and in the house these are a few things that are blooming around these parts...

Geranium--this is one of the perennial looks a bit beaten from all of the rain, but the flowers are hanging on.

Primrose--again looking very beaten from so much rain, but this is a big bunch of yellow brightening my day. They are right outside of the kitchen window.

Various roses--big bushes, tall climbers and this guy. He appeared from the thistle a week ago or so.

More roses--this one is a huge bush by the patio.

I know I should know what this is...but I forget. I'm still learning what everything is in my new yard.
Other things are blooming--the strawberries, the zucchini, a cone flower or two, the hostas, a few peonies are still left, too.


Cindy said...

Love your primrose. Happy Day!

Carol Michel said...

Your last flower looks to be a salvia of some kind.

You've got lots of great blooms in your garden. Thanks for posting them for bloom day.

Carol, May Dreams Gardens